Today's Tech News 📰 2023.01.20

:globe_with_meridians: Google

:orange_circle: 谷歌宣布裁员12,000人,并称要为未来做好准备的艰难决定 (A difficult decision to set us up for the future)

:globe_with_meridians: WhatsApp

:green_circle:WhatsApp 现在可以给自己发消息了,该功能对于可以在设备之间同步的提醒和笔记非常有用。

:computer: Microsoft

:orange_circle:微软开始测试 Windows 11 的记事本标签功能 (Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25281 | Windows Insider Blog)


:iphone: Apple

:green_circle:HomePass for HomeKit (HomePass app updated with support for Matter accessories) 更新了对 Matter 配件设置代码的支持

:globe_with_meridians: Meta

:orange_circle:Meta (Centralizing Your Apps Settings in Accounts Center | Meta) 推出新的账户管理中心,现在,您可以从Instagram调整Facebook设置,反之亦然。

:orange_circle:Instagram (Instagram Quiet Mode: A New Way to Manage Your Time and Focus | Meta) 现在允许您使用安静模式暂停通知

:shopping_cart: Amazon

(Amazon Music price increase in US and UK, after Apple Music):green_circle:Amazon Music 跟随苹果,将上涨在美国和英国的价格;Spotify可能会跟随

:spiral_notepad: 标签: #TTN #Google #WhatsApp #Microsoft #Apple #Meta #Amazon
:loudspeaker: 频道: @GodlyNews1
:robot: 投稿: @GodlyNewsBot